Facebook and Instagram Ads and Organic Tactics

We are pleased to announce Friday’s Keynote-How to Use Facebook and Instagram Ads and Organic Tactics to Attract and Retain New Residents  presented by Andrea Vahl!   Facebook/Instagram Ads are a game-changer for businesses and if you aren’t leveraging that power, you may get left behind.  Social advertising – Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Twitter Ads…

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Streamline Your Brand. Strategize Your Social Media. Sign Leases.

Tired of Posting? Do This Instead! Pause + Build A Strategic Social Brand Streamline Your Brand. Strategize Your Social Media. Sign Leases. Do you feel like you have spent an incredible amount of time, energy + money building your property? Now you are facing yet another battle…this one is proving to be the tricky (and…

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How People Make Decisons and Using It to Your Advantage

The Lazy, Crazy Way People Make Decisions (And How to Use That to Your Advantage!) As marketers fight for attention and engagement, they overlook a critical fact about their audiences: they have lazy brains! It’s not that the people you target aren’t smart and educated – they are. It’s just that the human brain is…

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